Three little tip that we would like to share today that can go a long way 🙂  simple solutions to everyday issues, three foods that can be added to our grocery list to help ease these problems that anyone might come across.

If you have insomnia  or are sleep deprived try eating a banana a couple hours before going to bed.  Bananas contain tryptophan(also found in that known nap-trigger,turkey),which your brain uses to produce sleep inducing serotonin, bananas are also rich in carbohydrates, which enhance the effects of tryptophan.


For anxiousness and anxiety related issues – eat an orange or a few strawberries ( which are even better ) before your next big meeting, exam or job interview ! studies show that vitamin C may help quell nerves by lowering your body’s level of cortisol, a hormone that rises in response to stress.

If you are nauseated – Ginger tea can help calm a nervous stomach, ginger tea is better than ginger ale because a cup of slightly brewed spicy ginger tea can ease nausea and does not have the sugar or chemicals found in most soda.






 Courtesy : Google images